What we offer

The speech and language therapist will come to work in your setting for the days agreed each week, we don’t have an office or base so everything is done on site.

The services included in the standard agreement are:

  • Plan, deliver and review therapy interventions aligned with evidence-based practice

  • Carry out specialist assessment, write targets and reports as necessary for each student

  • Assessment and advice report for EHCPs

  • Develop and deliver tailored training for your staff, this can be via joint working, observations and feedback or formal INSET training

  • Involve the student and their parents through join goal setting, demonstration, coaching and home programmes

  • Select and prepare the resources and materials needed for therapy intervention

  • Be a source of speech and language therapy clinical expertise and advice ‘on tap’

  • Liaise, share information or refer on to the local health service speech and language team if necessary

  • Liaise, share information or refer on to other professionals involved with the student

  • Attend or provide written information for annual reviews and case meetings as necessary

Over time, we are able to have a huge positive impact on communication in the whole setting, support high-quality SEN provision both in and out of the classroom and promote understanding and inclusion of all students with speech, language and communication needs.


Speech, Language & Communication Needs